Budget Committee | Meeting Summary | 8/27/20

The Litchfield Budget Committee met tonight (8/27/20) and all members were in attendance.

Mr. Cutter shared correspondence which included draft minutes from June, school district financial reports, revised audited financial records, NHMA workshop, school district expense reports for end of year and July 2020. 

June 25th minutes (as amended) were accepted by the committee.

Town Business Updates Included:

-Mr. Leary shared that budget season is underway at the various departments.  More are planned for the next meeting, and those will be shared with the Budget Committee.  Re-opening of Town Hall will be presented at the next meeting.  Mr. Leary gave a high-level overview of the town audit.

School Business Updates Included:

-Mr. Myers gave an overview of the school business update, which included the LMS project. HVAC work is underway and final expenditures are being put together.  All 3 buildings are expected to be good by back to school.  Around $708,000 in the unassigned fund balance will be returned.

-Discussion around Special Election format on September 16th, in person vote of people in attendance to appropriate money from the state for Capital Reserve that is earmarked for infrastructure as one-time monies.  Dr. Jette, Mr. Myers, and Cory provided updates and answered questions from budget committee members. 

-Mr. Son asked a question on school district end of year expenses…

-Dr. Jette provided an overview of the HVAC work at all 3 buildings, answered questions from committee members and discussed the impact of the vote and the use of the funds for this work.

Capital Improvement Planning Committee:

-Mr. Cutter provided an update from the planning committee which included reports from all town departments.  A survey to be sent to the town at the end of the month, presentation to the Planning Board, Town Meeting, and presentation to Board of Selection, with all meetings taking place in September. 

Member Input / New Business:

-None at this time. 

The next Budget Committee meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 24th  at 7pm.  A formal agenda will be provided as soon as it is finalized.

As a reminder, Budget Committee responses to posts on social media are not permitted.